Reading, Writing, and Defining

It feels wonderful to start writing again. So does delving into feminist science fiction again – I’ve always found that reading what you hope to write is the best way to learn. Though I have my own, rather formal style when I “really” write, it at least gives me a kind of broader framework to situate myself and my stories. I’m especially interesting in researching – real and literary – queendoms, as I’m calling them. Joan D. Vinge’s Snow Queen series is at the top of my list, but I feel an intensifying thirst to read widely and gluttonously as I did when I was younger.

As well, writing helps and reinforces the healthful self-definition that is key to breaking out of any oppressive paradigm, including patriarchy. More on that later.

But I thought I’d post some great lists that I came across, which will hopefully point me in the right direction so my energies aren’t wasted on worthless junk only to peter out in despair.

Response to Amnesty’s Prostitution Policy

Nordic Model Now!


On Thursday 26 May 2016, Amnesty International formally adopted a policy that calls for the full decriminalisation of the sex trade.

While we at Nordic Model Now! welcome Amnesty’s call for the full decriminalisation of all prostituted women, children, men and transgendered people, we very strongly disagree with Amnesty’s call to decriminalise pimps, procurers and brothel owners and those who buy human beings for sex.

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A Young Feminist on the Fear of Speaking Out

I think the kind of fear I experience at even the thought of speaking out against “patriarchal” oppression goes beyond even the fear people experience when living under censorship. I’ve known several people – females, actually – from China, and they speak of the Communists’ censorship with tired scorn. I never sensed fear when they talked about it, except a relatively superficial fear regarding their professional or academic lives. It was not the kind of fear induced by, say, living in an ending campaign of terrorism, constantly surrounded by both the terrorists and their little self-betraying, female-betraying minions.

This last is what I experience. What I have experienced since young girlhood. I know the level of my fear reflects PTSD, with which I’ve been diagnosed. I have multiple traumas in my life, the worst physical ones occurring in childhood, before the age of 23. So many girls, as well as women, experience similar traumas which affect them for life, that I believe that what’s going on here is effectively an ongoing terrorist campaign. And unlike most groups threatened by terrorists, the terrorists are not “over there,” across an ocean, with mere cells operating “somewhere” among us. No. They are almost everywhere, and they send their little minions in, too, so that many females lose the hope of even finding support, camaraderie, a “safe space,” even among other females. The extent of the policing of females by other females today (I’ve even seen this among actual girls) is amazing. And as if all that’s not enough, now the terrorists themselves actually demand, with self-righteous, outraged cries of “discrimination,” to come into our fucking bathrooms.

The perversion of these creatures seems to plummet perpetually to ever lower depths, defying the limits of human comprehension. I know I’ve experienced this mind- and soul-boggling every time I’ve heard the gory details of violent porn, child porn, female infanticide, or some other new satanic violence against girls or women. It seems like the whole point, even the primary end, of this war is simply the rape and murder of females – ALL females – body, mind, heart, and soul. The order of this “conquest” varies widely from one case to another, but I don’t have the stomach to talk about that today. Their homosocial world – or something else, I don’t know – seems to have made them all gay. I’ve read (wish I could remember where, but I’ve been inhaling so many feminist writing recently) that even during sex with females, they are “performing for an audience of other guys, more concerned with the guys than with the female, much less with any connection to the female.” This is a paraphrase, but it captures the gist. I’ve suspected this for a long time. Even when I was in my early twenties, I realized that gang-rape is a form of “male-bonding.” Certainly, undeniably, the degradation of females is.

I’m normally so eloquent, on so many other topics, but this war on females (it is NOT limited to “women” – I wish people would stop saying this! It masks the true depths of the depravity and evil we’re dealing with) is so horrific, so enraging, so re-traumatizing. I find myself usually getting so bitter, vitriolic, almost incoherent. (I know these reactions are natural and well-deserved, probably healthy despite all the bilge about “forgiveness” – if forgiveness healed, women wouldn’t be so fucking unhealthy, since most of us break themselves into pieces trying to live up to this yet more soul-warping demand. But getting overwhelmed and lost in these emotions seems to interfere with my ability to express myself.) And I hate that I should be less eloquent in this, when this cause is perhaps the most important to me. Certainly, it’s affected me far more than any other cause I support.

I’m also still struggling with fears of “falling” into the “sins” that the terrorists and their minions charge females with: being “emotional” (as opposed to sociopathically unempathetic like them), etc. Honestly, I think so many of these terrorists fit the criteria for sociopathy when it comes to females. They literally have more empathy for animals, for inanimate objects, for perfect (non-female) strangers of races they hate (even if they pretend not to), than for their own daughters, sisters, mothers, the mothers of their children. And as a non-white woman who knows first-hand how racist America still is, I find it – horrific – that more answered a poll saying that the country was ready for a black president than a female president. In other words, females are hated more than anyone or anything. And “Bernie” is now a candidate for president despite what he’s known to have written about rape. This is really too much for me.I’ve even looked at emigrating to Iceland. haha…not. :/

I know I’m strong, and brave – I wouldn’t have survived this long otherwise – and that I have a duty to do what’s right, to fight. But I’m human, and I also need support and affirmation. I’m so glad I’m starting to connect with like-minded people, but that effort is still in its beginning stages, and so far, the fruits are minimal, tenuous. I’ve never been the loner type, but I’ve always been isolated. That’s especially difficult for someone who’s naturally expressive and affective. I thrive on social connection and support, and it’s always been denied outright, or poisoned, or marked with the price of my self-respect and soul, which I am not willing to pay. Which I know I simply cannot pay, even when I’ve tried to suppress my spirit. I can’t do it – it comes roaring and flaming out no matter what. I know I should be proud of that, and I am. I’ve even had numerous people, including many women who are brainwashed, tell me the same thing.

But things have got to change…and I think they are changing. I think the changes are coming – as I’ve long suspected they can only come – by my coming out of the dark. Speaking up. Lifting up my torch and voice to let others like me know I’m here. I exist, and I’m not brainwashed, or bought, or broken. I notice, I care, and I haven’t turned traitor. I think what I’d like most is to join my fire to a greater one. To help sustain it and to be sustained by it, to sustain life for both – and to help bring to fruition the Life and truth that both are burning to sustain and actualize.

Concretizing the Abstract – My Storytelling as a Mirror of the State of My Soul

I’m still waiting to see how my reawakened feminist consciousness affects my writing. I’m grappling with some issues I’ve been aware of for years, but which I’ve never really dealt with or changed. For one, I’m disturbed at the directions my writing took between about 13-15 years of age. Some really unhealthy things crept in, undeniably as a result of experiencing teenage girlhood in this perverted, female-desecrating culture. I tried to fight it when I was ~19, but haven’t made much headway. One of my old counselors even commented on how so many of my characters were male – not even just the main ones, either.

I don’t find guys particularly interesting in real life, with the possible exception of a very few over the years (who I ended up never really getting to know, anyway, probably because they were so different that I never knew how to talk to them). Even all of the writers who have ever really resonated with me – in fiction as well as non-fiction – have been women. Among non-fiction feminist writers, many have been lesbians. There was one gay I thought I liked, until he revealed – and unceremoniously spewed forth – his hidden vat of misogyny. So why do I end up fantasizing and writing about so many men who are unlike anything I’ve ever seen? Is it because I wish so badly that I could find men like the ones I’m writing about? Making them real by the might of my proverbial pen? I’ve questioned my sexuality many times, and this habit of only being attracted to men I “create” myself strikes me as I question it again now. I can literally count on the fingers of one hand the times I’ve been attracted to a man I met in real life — and still have fingers left to spare. And the attraction wasn’t even that stronger, and never went anywhere. Is my writing men as I’ve never found in real life an empowering act of self-assertion — rejecting the selfish, dirty apes and manifestly unwomanly defeated “heroines” proffered to me by the media and answering with my own assertions about what women are, want, and what men are and should be?

If so, if it’s really an empowering act of self-assertion, than why do the female characters so often recede into the background now? This is not true across the board, and the story I’m working on now actually is wide awake in terms of feminist consciousness, with strong and self-directed females…but the male characters still distinctly hold center stage. Why? I’ve had this inkling for years that it’s because I’ve been so horrified for so long of my experiences as a girl, and then a woman…so knocked off center by the overwhelming bombardment of the patriarchy’s satanic views of me, manifested through an unrelenting stream of verbal filth, media bullshit, psychological warfare, and religious diatribes, not to mention the traumas from my childhood and young womanhood…that it seems like I’ve sort of retreated from womanhood in some way. After all, I’ve even experienced dysphoria in my early twenties, though not for long. And therapists have suggested dissociation…I think it would add up. I tend to put my more “dangerous” qualities in male characters, while protecting my females with “safer” ones — even ones I don’t have myself, and don’t particularly like. So, it seems like I often have the males go through – and process! (which I haven’t been able to) – certain things which are too horrific and too disturbing for me to bring to a female character.

I do believe this comes back to dysphoria – it’s easier to express, even vicariously, certain feelings, thoughts, traits, etc. through a male character than a female. A female is too close to home, and to the unbearable fallout of my own experiences, which are so disturbing as to alienate me, it seems, from my own female-ness in some way. And looking around, it seems like this is quite common in women, albeit in differing degrees. Karin Lowachee, along with other, writers, frequently creates male characters who unmistakably come off as more female, reflecting female experiences and feelings – even when the characters aren’t trans or gay. At the same time, she shows a certain distance from her females, she makes them too stereotypically, unrealistically “tough.” Xena tough, the kind of fiction guys eat up, because it “proves” that women are really not so victimized, and perfectly capable of avoiding being a victim if they “really want to.” Who don’t offend them by being afraid, traumatized, etc. How do I reconcile my experiences, the “target status” of being female, and…other such things…with healthy, proud, positive conceptions of experiencing girlhood and womanhood? It’s all just cloaked with a poisonous fog now.

Of course I’m furious and sickened at the satanic patriarchy for all of this. But I’m telling them to fuck off back to the ninth circle that spewed them forth, and actually putting my energy into reclaiming my true identity as a woman, and centering myself in that. Into healing and self-care. I need to be true to myself and do what’s right for me, not let them trick me into wearing myself out, remaining confused and in the dark about myself, by ceaselessly playing into their hands with the gas-lighting and battles.

As I educate myself, it’s becoming easier to break certain psychological chains. To “say the unsayable.” I want to. I need to. It feels like climbing Mt. Everest sometimes…what a victory when I reach the summit!…but maybe I can’t do it all in a day. Especially with no one to listen. I’ve never found a therapist as feminist as I was, much less any friends, though I seem to be getting a little better at that.

My current stories also include what amounts to a feminist utopia (most of them are set in the same universe). But I’ve never actually introduced that properly or explained it. My mind edges nervously away from the task. I really want to delve into that now, but I don’t know if I’m ready for it.

Anyway, more on this once I’ve done some writing and tried my somewhat-freer hand.



Picking Up the Torch Again…

So, after a really re-traumatizing experience involving a bunch of sociopathically self-absorbed guys butting into a women’s conversation with laughter about strip clubs, and then getting outraged and contemptuously self-righteous when the women made “sweeping generalizations” about the subject…only to completely ignore us, with icily voluble silence, when supplied with the demanded “facts” about how many “sex workers” were raped and molested as little girls, and currently addicted to drugs, abused, and living in poverty…

…I’ve realized I need to take off the blinders I’ve been trying to use as protection against still more suffering. They’ve only done me harm, making me more vulnerable. And really, I’m strong enough now that I don’t need them. I’ve made a lot of progress this past semester in therapy with my PTSD. I’m hopeful again – I’m speaking up again, even in spite of my (phobic) anxieties – I’m behaving quite proactively all around.

I’m ready to take the blinders off.

I really want to reclaim, and reconnect with, the radical feminism that has always been one of my most defining “identities,” if not the most defining. It’s not going to be easy, this journey of mine, since I’m coming out of the traumatizing, cultic paradigms of more than one different religious tradition poisoned by patriarchy. I’m still working on dismantling those, and right now, I’m between counselors as I get settled in my new city. I’m also recovering from a boatload of other traumas, including childhood neglect and abuse. (The worst of the childhood stuff was actually done by a “patriarchal loyalist” who believed it’s OK to beat and rape wives, and that girls are worthless…though this creature’s monster-boys did their worst, too. After childhood – well, at 18, 19 – more monsters. It makes my blood boil, and of course worsens my trauma as a heavy, unrelenting, psyche-warping weight, to know these rapacious abominations are still out there, unpunished. I sincerely pray there’s some kind of hell awaiting them.)

I’ve been censoring so heavily for so long, trying hard to shove down all my awareness, suspend my critical thinking, question and doubt my own knowledge. I was being poisoned, too, by the bullshit now circulating in health literature; I was afraid of hate. Of anger. Of truth. Of my primal, powerful thirst for justice. But that urge comes from the wellspring of life; to weaken it is to weaken me, as I’ve learned the hard way. But that’s the goal behind such propaganda.

I don’t know how I’ll learn to express myself, but I feel I must. I’m ready. My old counselor said “secrets make you sick.” There’s so much I’ve been keeping inside. I need to let it fly. When it comes to these things — the oppression of girls and women — it’s extremely hard for me to speak up, especially with all the gas-lighting and psychological warfare that goes on these days in the guises of “liberal feminism,” “queer studies,” “transgenderism,” and the like.

I wish I knew where to turn. I lament the fact that the days of consciousness-raising groups are gone. It seems that these days, it’s become excruciatingly hard to connect authentically with other women — most women seem more interested in policing other women, pathologically driven to keep their own blinders in place and keep “believing” some variety or other of patriarchy-approved bullshit. It’s extremely lonely to be the only one around who will acknowledge reality for what it is. Especially when I know my acknowledgement is not full yet — my own consciousness-raising is not done! I still have so much to work through. It scares me to think of doing it alone. Even with a counselor, I don’t know what her positions will be, or how she’ll try to influence me, even if it’s by telling me BS about “healing forgiveness” that she sincerely believes.

I’m also scared that I’ll abandon the quest if I have to do it alone, that I won’t be able to handle the full truth alone, never mind all the changes I’ll need to implement in my own life, thinking, writing, and professional work. I’m probably going into academia – I don’t really want to, but I’ve just been floating along for so long, I don’t know what else to do. I’ve tried to generally avoid “women’s issues” to spare myself pain. I don’t know what I’ll end up doing, really. I just know I need to be true to myself – throwing away the bullshit is the only way to heal and break out of the lonely isolation that’s always resulted from playing along with the oppressors’ “different” groups. They’re all the same thing with different names, at most emphasizing different facets of the same damn monster.

I’ve always been really affective and empathetic, though, for all my independent ways. Intransigence is one thing, and I know from years of experience now that I’m just not capable of living a lie for long — I need to stop jumping around from one lie to another, avoiding the truth out of fear and longing. But I also thrive on connection and relationships. My patriarchal brainwashing makes it so hard not to see that as a weakness, a disgrace, something to be ashamed of. But I just don’t think I can thrive on my own, cut off from others like. I’ve always been cut off from others like me, perhaps in part because of my silence. I’m done with “helping the enemy,” though. The only ones I’m interested in connecting with now are those who wish me well, are capable of engaging with me as a fully human being, and can do so authentically from a place of truth.

I’ve always been so inspired reading about the history of women’s ignored, mocked, and demonized fight for our most fundamental rights. Especially the First Wave Feminists, who had literally almost no precedent and stepped out with mind-blowing courage into a vast uncharted no-woman’s-land without lights or guideposts. Those women found incredible strength, courage, and wherewithal in connecting with other women who felt and thought as they did. When thoughts and feelings hidden away in darkness, silence, and stolen moments for so long were freed and affirmed by other women in similar situations, all that liberated Life caught fire. And blazed new trails. Right now, I’m just consumed with the desire for the same kind of explosive revelation and connection.